Frog Pond Update

Bit by bit the old pool is becoming the new pond. I’ve added more locations for plants, and added some new plants both inside and outside the pond itself. I’ve also moved the shade sail to provide much more shade (a tricky thing to do in itself as anchor points are hard to come by).

The water is definitely going greener since I combined what was sitting in the tarp and what was below it. So that’s a small concern – will the algae become too much for the frogs?

Plant-wise I added several potted bamboos and a tree I’m not sure what is to the surrounds, and on the main island, a pair of potbound Liriope Muscari’s combined into 1 smart pot, and a pair of potbound Dianella Flax lily plants also combined into a single pot. These 4 plants have been neglected since they were delivered last year. Good that they finally have a home. I don’t really know if they will like the wet environment, but for now that main island is above water level anyway.

I have water lilies arriving tomorrow – sold as “small” on eBay which might mean they are very small. We’ll see. Other plants due later in the week. Also coming soon hopefully – fish. I’ve ordered 16 White Clouds (8 ‘normal’ and 8 gold) plus 4 Murray River Rainbows. Both species are claimed to be tadpole friendly. I certainly hope so.


Author: Kev

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