The Fruit Bowl

The word orchard evokes, for me, images of rows and rows of fruit trees. But there’s really no reason it can’t be something more modest. That’s what I’m assuming for, with a growing collection of fruits trees, one of each type is ample. And as I live alone, there’s no reason it won’t serve me well while also being mainly comprised of relatively small trees.

I do have one (very) big specimen – a Jonathon Apple tree that was already very large before I moved in some eight years ago. It’s continued to grow ever since, as has the volume of fruit it produces each year. The quality is not ideal though – certainly edible (downright tasty in fact), but I do wonder if things wouldn’t improve with a bird net to protect the fruit. I’ve given up trying to harvest all or even most of the fruit as I have no hope of using it all (the freezer is already loaded with frozen stewed apples from past years.  But this year I have had the tree dramatically cut back, so well see how that helps.

Added to the apple tree I have a Lemon tree in a container that does all, and this year I’ve also added a Tahitian Lime, a Cherry tree and an Apricot tree.

I’m not really sure where they will all end up residing.


Author: Kev

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