Garden Update: Of Ponds, Pools and other Eventualities

Garden Update: Of Ponds, Pools and other Eventualities

Not a day of major changes in Pondland, but rather an update after a few days of small progressions both with the frog pond and other related sidetracks. I’ve added more plants to the pondscape, but mostly not in the water itself. I did find some collapses of in-water plant supports yesterday. As a result, the Bacora Monniera is now on the pond floor level rather than a shelf, and has spilt unknown amounts of its potting medium...

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Spud Bed #1

Spud Bed #1

Determined to do better on potatoes this year than last, which shouldn’t be too hard since I barely watered them last year and still got a bit of growth. I’m doing them in raised beds this year instead of the bags approach I tried last year, which should hold water better I hope, but still have adequate drainage. But sticking roughly with the ‘build-up-layers’ approach rather than digging them down. I have two...

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Duck Pond – Overdue for Cleaning

Duck Pond – Overdue for Cleaning

The duck pond is long overdue for a proper clean. For weeks every time I flush the pump and filter out it runs for a few days then clogs up again so I’ve been guessing that’s a sign the sludge has built up too much in the bottom of the pond. So, I accepted my fate and dug out the dirty water pump. I managed to find places to store most of the water for later use on the garden (or perhaps in the frog pond). And sure enough...

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Frog Pond Update: More Plants (Again)

Frog Pond Update: More Plants (Again)

The rest of the plant order for the pond arrived yesterday and I got most of them in yesterday. One had me a bit unsure of how to handle it and required further research, but that’s now been done this morning. Added to the pond have been Bull Rushes (4 plants in two pots), Club Rushes (4 plants in two pots) and Bacora Monniera – variously known as Memory Plant amongst other things (a lot of small cuttings in one pot). The...

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Frog Pond Update: More Plants & Other Minor Changes

Frog Pond Update: More Plants & Other Minor Changes

Some further pottering around the frog pond today, with some additional shelves, plants from the existing garden and associated adjustments. Firstly I made a necessary change to the main island. The island (which is actually a disused plastic compost bin) as it was was not very stable,, and already seemed struggling with the limited weight I had on top of it. I had it lying on its side which made it a little lower, as I wanted, but...

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