The Greenhouse Impulse

The Greenhouse Impulse

Adding a greenhouse was a definite impulse idea. I came across one online that seemed to sit smack between the cheapie plastic ones I’ve tried before (with very ordinary results other than making a temporary oven that doesn’t withstand the wind), and a full-blown glass one. The price seemed good ($199) and I found the same one on Amazon where I could see a large number of user reviews and gauge it to be good quality. So I...

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Vegie Tubs on Legs

Vegie Tubs on Legs

One of my most disliked aspects of vegie gardening is the bending over to maintain them, or even to harvest most things. I found these huge tubs on legs and decided to give them a go. They have a water reservoir in the bottom, tap on the side and a little ‘meter’ in the form of a plastic seedling that sinks down a hole if the water level is low. So you know when to water. I bought three and first set them up in the back...

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Building a Fence (or more accurately, paying someone else to)

Building a Fence (or more accurately, paying someone else to)

This is where it really all started. I hated the waste of space that was the front yard – more of a public space than part of my home. And finally decided to do something about it. Build a Fence, reclaiming the land out there as part of my area rather than part of the outside world. [Show slideshow] 123► With the fence up, the ideas for what to do inside the fence began to...

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Tomatoes From Seed – My First Time (and some other stuff)

Tomatoes From Seed – My First Time (and some other stuff)

My first attempt at growing tomatoes from seed. Usually I forget about it until late in the season then grab a few advanced seedlings/plants and stick them in. Let’s see if I get a better crop by doing it properly this time. Five varieties started today: San Marzano, Cherry Cocktail, Cherokee Purple, Black Krim, Tommy Toe. I want to also get some of the Lemon Drop type in, but haven’t got the seeds yet. Also in today,...

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