
I’ve long wanted to have a decent crack at growing some bamboo, but it’s hard to get started in this climate. I was lucky enough to see 4 large bamboos being sold as one lot on eBay – most importantly, that were local for me. Described as very large and heavy I thought they were bound to be easily worth that price so placed a bid. Nobody else did (advantage of not being in the city I think), so yesterday I got them. They were too big to fit in my car/van, but fortunately the guy was only around 600m from me. I brought the smallest 2 home in the car (with the tailgate open and them hanging out the back), then walked back with a big trolley and collected the other two. Trickiest part was not taking out anyone’s phone or power cables as they are tall enough to do so.

I think they will all be worth dividing and repotting – I should do some more reading on that before doing it, but it look fairly simple. Also need to figure out where to locate them.

A very lucky find.


Author: Kev

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