Bulb Adventures

Something else I haven’t really played with (much) before until now is bulbs. But with the new garden I’m trying all kinds of bulby things, both edible and ornamental.

I’m a big fan of anything that can be propagated by division (it just seems like such a labour-saving approach somehow). So the reputation I have read about for Calla lilies makes them irresistible to try, and there are so many varieties. I have bought 6 different ones and the bulbs are in pots. Really not sure whether to transfer them to the garden this year or let them spend their first year in the pots and move them next season. I’ve also found both Pineapple Lilies and Liliums at end of winter discount prices, so already have some in the ground and some more (Liliums) due to arrive any day which can go straight in next to them. That should be a very colourful patch indeed.

In the edible bulbs department, I’ve put in some rhubarb (Wandin Red I think is the variety) and some shallots. The shallots are in a pot and can stay there I think. The rhubarb went into a pot for a little while as it had to come out of the mail order plastic bag, but the garden bed was not yet ready.

There’s also some mystery bulbs that have been lying around here for years dormant. I have no idea what they are but they got wet in the rain recently and 3 sprouted, so I’ve put them in and will see what grows.


Author: Kev

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