Garden Update: This and That

Garden Update: This and That

It’s been over two weeks since my last post so I’m thinking its time to post an update and pics. Lots of little things going on and 1 or 2 bigger projects too. Two new deliveries of plants came in ranging from established plants down to seedlings, and most of these are now planted in new homes. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find the right spaces for them. I really should stop the impulse plant buying....

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Garden Update: Pondscaping, Accessorising and more

Garden Update: Pondscaping, Accessorising and more

Another week’s slipped past in no time at all, with various achievements achieved out in the gardens. On the food gardening front, tomatoes are in, with several larger varieties and a hanging basket as well. I also have a punnet of smaller plants still to do something with. I didn’t really need them but they’re a favourite variety (Lemon Drop) and I couldn’t get any larger plantsĀ  of that type. I saw the punnet...

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Garden Update: Assorted Bits and Bobs

Garden Update: Assorted Bits and Bobs

Again the past few days have held multiple evolutionary rather than revolutionary changes in the garden. So I’m collating them all here as one update. They highlights include – fertiliser spikes arrived and deployed to pond plants, a new underwater plant, the annual bee party in the apple tree, finally getting a vertical garden kit constructed that I’ve had lying around for 1 or 2 years (I think 2 but not sure). I...

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Spud Bed #2

Spud Bed #2

Following on from the recent planting of ‘Spud Bed #1’ today I got the second bed of spuds in. Again with Desiree seed spuds, but also a few red supermarket spuds that sprouted a bit in the cupboard. [Show...

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Garden Update: Of Ponds, Pools and other Eventualities

Garden Update: Of Ponds, Pools and other Eventualities

Not a day of major changes in Pondland, but rather an update after a few days of small progressions both with the frog pond and other related sidetracks. I’ve added more plants to the pondscape, but mostly not in the water itself. I did find some collapses of in-water plant supports yesterday. As a result, the Bacora Monniera is now on the pond floor level rather than a shelf, and has spilt unknown amounts of its potting medium...

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Spud Bed #1

Spud Bed #1

Determined to do better on potatoes this year than last, which shouldn’t be too hard since I barely watered them last year and still got a bit of growth. I’m doing them in raised beds this year instead of the bags approach I tried last year, which should hold water better I hope, but still have adequate drainage. But sticking roughly with the ‘build-up-layers’ approach rather than digging them down. I have two...

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