Frog Voice Captured

Frog Voice Captured

I managed to get a recording last night of the call of the frogs I’ve been hearing, and I think who are a safe bet to be the ones who’ve produced the tadpoles in the pool/pond. And it’s hard to get a good shot of something so small and so shy, but here’s one of the better ones I’ve managed to...

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An Above Ground Pond?

An Above Ground Pond?

I think I’ve inadvertently fallen over a new garden project. Yesterday I discovered the pool is teeming with tadpoles. Now I’m a big frog fan so the idea of converting the pool to a frog habitat quickly took hold. I’d already decided to get rid of the pool this summer and put up a much smaller (more manageable and appropriate for 1 person) one and had recently been dreading what to do with the old one. It comes up...

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Beginning the long road back from neglect

Beginning the long road back from neglect

Its been a long winter and other priorities have overshadowed the garden enormously. As a result, the damage from neglect is acute. I started some healing work with installation of irrigation (which I will look at separately in another post soon). Inspected many of the residents today and took some photos for the first serious time in a very long time. [Show slideshow] 123► [Update: Day 2 – more photos added to gallery...

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Bamboozled 2: Division Required

Bamboozled 2: Division Required

Sunday project – divide one of the big bamboo pots. Only one of the four really needs it I think. One definitely doesn’t seem to need it (though repotting might be worthwhile), another one is so big I have no idea how I will be able to get it out of its current container even if I wanted to divide it, and the fourth seems pretty happy as it is so I will leave it be for this year. But this one is in dire need of dividing...

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Renovating the Old Vegie Beds

Renovating the Old Vegie Beds

With all the attention on the front yard, the back yard has been largely neglected lately – other than duck-related projects, moving a few new Berry plants from the front, and planting the spuds. But September is rapidly disappearing, and although the tomato seedlings are still tiny, hopefully they soon will need to be planted out, and the back yard needs to beĀ  brought back into shape accordingly. I’ve also taken delivery...

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Duck Pond Adventures – Part Two

Duck Pond Adventures – Part Two

The next stage in the great duck pond adventure is to activate the planned system to store the contents of the pond (or at this stage, bath) for later use on the garden. The aim being that rather than having to dump the whole contents immediately on to the garden, I can use it when I need it instead, or put it on a drip release or whatever I decide is best. I obtained some food grade barrels/drums as well as a dirty water pump over...

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