Garden Update: Pondscaping, Accessorising and more

Garden Update: Pondscaping, Accessorising and more

Another week’s slipped past in no time at all, with various achievements achieved out in the gardens. On the food gardening front, tomatoes are in, with several larger varieties and a hanging basket as well. I also have a punnet of smaller plants still to do something with. I didn’t really need them but they’re a favourite variety (Lemon Drop) and I couldn’t get any larger plantsĀ  of that type. I saw the punnet...

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Garden Update: Assorted Bits and Bobs

Garden Update: Assorted Bits and Bobs

Again the past few days have held multiple evolutionary rather than revolutionary changes in the garden. So I’m collating them all here as one update. They highlights include – fertiliser spikes arrived and deployed to pond plants, a new underwater plant, the annual bee party in the apple tree, finally getting a vertical garden kit constructed that I’ve had lying around for 1 or 2 years (I think 2 but not sure). I...

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Frog Pond Update: More Plants (Again)

Frog Pond Update: More Plants (Again)

The rest of the plant order for the pond arrived yesterday and I got most of them in yesterday. One had me a bit unsure of how to handle it and required further research, but that’s now been done this morning. Added to the pond have been Bull Rushes (4 plants in two pots), Club Rushes (4 plants in two pots) and Bacora Monniera – variously known as Memory Plant amongst other things (a lot of small cuttings in one pot). The...

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Frog Pond Update: More Plants & Other Minor Changes

Frog Pond Update: More Plants & Other Minor Changes

Some further pottering around the frog pond today, with some additional shelves, plants from the existing garden and associated adjustments. Firstly I made a necessary change to the main island. The island (which is actually a disused plastic compost bin) as it was was not very stable,, and already seemed struggling with the limited weight I had on top of it. I had it lying on its side which made it a little lower, as I wanted, but...

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Frog Pond Update: And Then There Were Fish

Frog Pond Update: And Then There Were Fish

The main event in the Frog Pond development today was the arrival of the fish. Who knew you could order fish online for home delivery (the packaging for shipping was very impressive). I had some nervousness about one of the species I’d ordered eating the tadpoles after reading stories of this happening. But I spoke to the aquarium guys at Coburg Aquarium, where I ordered the fish, and he reassured me, basically saying that any...

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