An Above Ground Pond?

An Above Ground Pond?

I think I’ve inadvertently fallen over a new garden project. Yesterday I discovered the pool is teeming with tadpoles. Now I’m a big frog fan so the idea of converting the pool to a frog habitat quickly took hold. I’d already decided to get rid of the pool this summer and put up a much smaller (more manageable and appropriate for 1 person) one and had recently been dreading what to do with the old one. It comes up...

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Renovating the Old Vegie Beds

Renovating the Old Vegie Beds

With all the attention on the front yard, the back yard has been largely neglected lately – other than duck-related projects, moving a few new Berry plants from the front, and planting the spuds. But September is rapidly disappearing, and although the tomato seedlings are still tiny, hopefully they soon will need to be planted out, and the back yard needs to be  brought back into shape accordingly. I’ve also taken delivery...

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The Greenhouse Impulse

The Greenhouse Impulse

Adding a greenhouse was a definite impulse idea. I came across one online that seemed to sit smack between the cheapie plastic ones I’ve tried before (with very ordinary results other than making a temporary oven that doesn’t withstand the wind), and a full-blown glass one. The price seemed good ($199) and I found the same one on Amazon where I could see a large number of user reviews and gauge it to be good quality. So I...

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Building a Fence (or more accurately, paying someone else to)

Building a Fence (or more accurately, paying someone else to)

This is where it really all started. I hated the waste of space that was the front yard – more of a public space than part of my home. And finally decided to do something about it. Build a Fence, reclaiming the land out there as part of my area rather than part of the outside world. [Show slideshow] 123► With the fence up, the ideas for what to do inside the fence began to...

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