Frog Pond Update: Water Lilies Arrival

Today’s big change in the new pond is the water lilies arrived. I’ve planted them up and they’re looking really good in the pond after settling in for a couple of hours. I was skeptical buying them on eBay, in bare-rooted form. But the price is so much better and I think they’re going to survive. At the local nursery they wanted $40 for a larger, established water lily in a pot. On eBay I got 10 (there were actually 11 in the package) including Express postage, for under $35.

Pictures below of them before and after planting. I planted the four largest two to a pot in larger pots, and also 2 of the smaller ones in a small pot together. this feels like a perfect use of the ‘smart pots’ so that’s what I’ve used (with soil, manure, sand and pebbles as per Gardening Australia suggestion).

When I went back to check on them a couple of hours later there were many little (and big) clumps of tiny bubbles. I first thought these were frog spawn, but they are all over the place so I suspect they’re actually just tiny air bubbles that have risen from the lily plantings.


Author: Kev

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