Kangaroo Paws For Thought

I got a couple of tubestock/starter sized Kangaroo Paws a couple of weeks ago. By the time they got into the ground, they were rather wilty, but have since picked up, although still not looking exactly healthy.

Then yesterday at Woolworths I found some much larger plants (close to full-size as it turns out since these are ‘mini’ cultivars that grow to around 50cm). They were priced at $9.99 with a further 20% off for just yesterday and today. I bought two and put them in this morning. One turned out to be pot bound, the other perfect, and they look great in the ground, so when I found myself in Woolworths again this afternoon, I grabbed a couple more (remembered to check I didn’t pick pot bound ones this time). $8 each is a bargain too good to pass up.


Author: Kev

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