Smart Pots

Smart Pots

I discovered in my online travels, a product called a ‘Smart Pot’. This interesting innovation is a felt-like fabric alternative to traditional plastic or ceramic pots, which claims to have numerous advantages over those formats including: Unique Features: • Releases heat — roots stay cooler during hot weather • Plants need repotting less often • Air-prunes the plant’s root structure — stops root circling! • Reusable...

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(I Never Promised You) A Rose Garden

(I Never Promised You) A Rose Garden

The most accidental sub-project of the front yard so far. End of season bargains found on some roses while shopping for plants online proved irresistible, so while I had no intention of doing anything ‘rosy’, I suddenly found myself with five different roses that needed a home. So I thought I would need to perhaps make a dedicated extra small garden bed for them. But I couldn’t decide on an ideal location for it. At...

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Spuds Away!

Spuds Away!

I’ve been impatiently waiting for the chitting to work on the spuds and decide today it would have to do (to plant the first batch – I plan to stagger planting in three parts and hopefully spread the harvest time accordingly). Guided by Helen Razer’s excellent article/tutorial (,  I’ve used certified seed spuds, six to a planter bag, and my own mixture of light and fluffy growing media...

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Getting Very Berry

Getting Very Berry

One of the most enjoyable minor projects in the past couple of years has been the raspberries. I picked up a couple of canes on Free cycle from someone whose raspberries were taking over. They’ve been a great success, providing a handful of fruit that first year, and a lot more than that last year. I expect them to be even more prolific this year. I haven’t really got the hang of pruning them – you’re supposed...

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Plant Hospital

Plant Hospital

I’ve always been a sucker for an unwell (and hence marked down priced) plant, and recently is no exception. I currently have several rescues in progress. There’s a couple that have been in pots here at the house since before I moved in, and are finally getting some attention. Also a tree fern I found down the dead side of the house that was close to death. That got broken in the process of getting out out of the ground,...

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