‘Not So Lucky’ Bamboo

‘Not So Lucky’ Bamboo

I have a few Lucky Bamboo plants (I believe its actually some form of Dracaena) that have been very neglected for the past few years. I had some fun with propagating them for a while (it’s ridiculously easy – put simply, cut it off and stick it in a jar of water to get a new plant). But they didn’t get watered for too long and although they are very hard to kill, I almost achieved it. So with the greenhouse on hand,...

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Bulb Adventures

Bulb Adventures

Something else I haven’t really played with (much) before until now is bulbs. But with the new garden I’m trying all kinds of bulby things, both edible and ornamental. I’m a big fan of anything that can be propagated by division (it just seems like such a labour-saving approach somehow). So the reputation I have read about for Calla lilies makes them irresistible to try, and there are so many varieties. I have bought...

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Vegie Tubs on Legs

Vegie Tubs on Legs

One of my most disliked aspects of vegie gardening is the bending over to maintain them, or even to harvest most things. I found these huge tubs on legs and decided to give them a go. They have a water reservoir in the bottom, tap on the side and a little ‘meter’ in the form of a plastic seedling that sinks down a hole if the water level is low. So you know when to water. I bought three and first set them up in the back...

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