Duck Pond Adventures – Part Two

Duck Pond Adventures – Part Two

The next stage in the great duck pond adventure is to activate the planned system to store the contents of the pond (or at this stage, bath) for later use on the garden. The aim being that rather than having to dump the whole contents immediately on to the garden, I can use it when I need it instead, or put it on a drip release or whatever I decide is best. I obtained some food grade barrels/drums as well as a dirty water pump over...

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Duck Pond Adventures – Part One

Duck Pond Adventures – Part One

The question of what to do with the duck pond/bath has been on my mind for a while. For anyone who doesn’t know, ducks make their water very dirty, very quickly. The ideal solution would be to have some kind of ‘always-on’ (or daylight-hours-on) pump and filter that automatically kept the water clean. Many people online seem to think this is an unattainable goal however – that there is no filter able to stand...

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