Beginning the long road back from neglect

Beginning the long road back from neglect

Its been a long winter and other priorities have overshadowed the garden enormously. As a result, the damage from neglect is acute. I started some healing work with installation of irrigation (which I will look at separately in another post soon). Inspected many of the residents today and took some photos for the first serious time in a very long time. [Show slideshow] 123► [Update: Day 2 – more photos added to gallery...

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Instant Succulent Collection

Instant Succulent Collection

Today’s project was to pot up the collection of succulents I bought as a job lot from a guy online. I have no idea what most of them are, but it’s an attractive little collection and I think the potting went pretty well. There were a number of leaf break-offs in the process, but they will be worth trying to propagate from as cuttings, so no harm done. The pebbles I had available for mulch might be a little larger than...

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