Spud Bed #2

Spud Bed #2

Following on from the recent planting of ‘Spud Bed #1’ today I got the second bed of spuds in. Again with Desiree seed spuds, but also a few red supermarket spuds that sprouted a bit in the cupboard. [Show...

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Spud Bed #1

Spud Bed #1

Determined to do better on potatoes this year than last, which shouldn’t be too hard since I barely watered them last year and still got a bit of growth. I’m doing them in raised beds this year instead of the bags approach I tried last year, which should hold water better I hope, but still have adequate drainage. But sticking roughly with the ‘build-up-layers’ approach rather than digging them down. I have two...

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Beginning the long road back from neglect

Beginning the long road back from neglect

Its been a long winter and other priorities have overshadowed the garden enormously. As a result, the damage from neglect is acute. I started some healing work with installation of irrigation (which I will look at separately in another post soon). Inspected many of the residents today and took some photos for the first serious time in a very long time. [Show slideshow] 123► [Update: Day 2 – more photos added to gallery...

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Renovating the Old Vegie Beds

Renovating the Old Vegie Beds

With all the attention on the front yard, the back yard has been largely neglected lately – other than duck-related projects, moving a few new Berry plants from the front, and planting the spuds. But September is rapidly disappearing, and although the tomato seedlings are still tiny, hopefully they soon will need to be planted out, and the back yard needs to beĀ  brought back into shape accordingly. I’ve also taken delivery...

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Spring’s Second Seed Planting

Spring’s Second Seed Planting

Just a couple of quick seed plantings this week. Purple King beans and Nasturtiums. The beans are pretty old seed so may not...

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