Bamboozled 2: Division Required

Sunday project – divide one of the big bamboo pots. Only one of the four really needs it I think. One definitely doesn’t seem to need it (though repotting might be worthwhile), another one is so big I have no idea how I will be able to get it out of its current container even if I wanted to divide it, and the fourth seems pretty happy as it is so I will leave it be for this year.

But this one is in dire need of dividing and repotting I believe, as the container it’s in (a plastic rubbish bin) is splitting, roots are exploding from the bottom in places, and it’s also unstable and blows over in high winds, which is not ideal.

So after reading some advice online ( has some great help on the subject), and with all the materials necessary on hand, I set to it today. It went well I think. You can see the results in the gallery below, with commentary in the notes attached to each picture.


Author: Kev

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