Frog Pond Update: And Then There Were Fish

The main event in the Frog Pond development today was the arrival of the fish. Who knew you could order fish online for home delivery (the packaging for shipping was very impressive). I had some nervousness about one of the species I’d ordered eating the tadpoles after reading stories of this happening. But I spoke to the aquarium guys at Coburg Aquarium, where I ordered the fish, and he reassured me, basically saying that any species would do it if their population gets out of control, ie the ecosystem out of balance. I’ll face essentially the same issue as with the surface weeds I plan to add – if (when) the population gets too big and starts destroying other life forms, I have to play god and cull. By which in my case that means move some weeds/fish to the duck pond – harsh but fair.

The species I’ve added are White Clouds, Golden White Clouds and Murray River Rainbows. None of them get very big, but may well breed.

Also today I added some solar lights. I have heaps of them for the front yard that I bought at extreme discount ages ago – more than I use. And I’ve read in various places its a good move to add some lighting near the pond. Light at night attracts bugs, and bugs attract frogs. So we’ll see how that goes.

Photo updates below.

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Author: Kev

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