Frog Pond Update: More Plants (Again)

The rest of the plant order for the pond arrived yesterday and I got most of them in yesterday. One had me a bit unsure of how to handle it and required further research, but that’s now been done this morning.

Added to the pond have been Bull Rushes (4 plants in two pots), Club Rushes (4 plants in two pots) and Bacora Monniera – variously known as Memory Plant amongst other things (a lot of small cuttings in one pot). The latter is the one that I wasn’t sure about. It came in a bunch of quite small/fragile pieces and seemed hard to approach it as I’ve been doing other plants. But I’ve managed it in the end – must be close to 40-50 pieces plugged into the pot. By all accounts it will live underwater and also grow prolifically up to the surface and form a floating mat.

The vendor was also kind enough to include a small bag of Azolla – a floating weed that by reputation should multiply rapidly and provide surface cover that the critters will like and the algae won’t. Oversupply can be moved to the duck pond as treats.

I’ve also got some non-pond plants dealt with that arrived a while ago but were still in their shipping pots/wrapping (very naughty and neglectful but I’ve had my hands full). So those are included in the gallery below as well.



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Author: Kev

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