(I Never Promised You) A Rose Garden

The most accidental sub-project of the front yard so far. End of season bargains found on some roses while shopping for plants online proved irresistible, so while I had no intention of doing anything ‘rosy’, I suddenly found myself with five different roses that needed a home.

So I thought I would need to perhaps make a dedicated extra small garden bed for them. But I couldn’t decide on an ideal location for it. At the same time, my order from overseas of ‘Smart Pots’ (I’ll post separately on them shortly) finally arrived yesterday, so after a little research I decided that this would be a good first purpose to put them too. So the plan became a potted rose garden, which comes with the added bonus of the ability to move it around at will – which seems quite a boon.

I did have a plan to underplant the roses with some garlic bulbs that have sprouted and need a spot in the soil. Apparently garlic helps keep away aphids. But I completely forgot about it while potting the roses today. Perhaps I’ll backtrack and do it tomorrow.


Author: Kev

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