Spring’s First Seed Plantings

With Spring only a day away (or already here by some 9 days or so if you go based on the Solstice dates as I always figured you should), it must be time to get some more seeds in.

Today I planted some Cucumbers (2 types) and some Sweet Corn. Those should be no problem.

Perhaps more interesting, I broke out some old seeds I’ve had for a few years, so which may no longer be viable. This included Australian Baobab Tree, Cheddar Cauliflower, Tee Tree and Heath Kunzea. The Baobab are particularly interesting as they have a super hard shell and need both scarifying and soaking in boiling water, which I have never tried before. So here goes.

Scarified Baobab Seeds in Boiling Water (video link)


Author: Kev

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