Spud Bed #1

Determined to do better on potatoes this year than last, which shouldn’t be too hard since I barely watered them last year and still got a bit of growth.

I’m doing them in raised beds this year instead of the bags approach I tried last year, which should hold water better I hope, but still have adequate drainage. But sticking roughly with the ‘build-up-layers’ approach rather than digging them down.

I have two hexagonal raised beds to use which are 40cm high and about a metre across. Got one of them put together and planted today. Not sure where the other is going to be located yet.

My seed spuds are showing a perfect amount of sprout, so we should get some good spud.

Gallery below showing the layers so far. I might try some light shadecloth as a surround to build them up as they grow, mulching with a combination of compost, sugar cane mulch and wood shavings from the chook shed.


Author: Kev

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