Spuds Away!

I’ve been impatiently waiting for the chitting to work on the spuds and decide today it would have to do (to plant the first batch – I plan to stagger planting in three parts and hopefully spread the harvest time accordingly).

Guided by Helen Razer’s excellent article/tutorial (http://bit.ly/helen_spuds),  I’ve used certified seed spuds, six to a planter bag, and my own mixture of light and fluffy growing media – wood shavings, freshish chook manure, sugar cane straw, a bit of soil plus what was leftover in my seed propagation bucket. It seems like a pretty tasty mix. The first two bags (today) are Cranberry Red variety. I have as many again of this type still chitting, plus some Royal Blue which are taking their sweet time to show their sprouts.


Author: Kev

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