The Greenhouse Impulse

Adding a greenhouse was a definite impulse idea. I came across one online that seemed to sit smack between the cheapie plastic ones I’ve tried before (with very ordinary results other than making a temporary oven that doesn’t withstand the wind), and a full-blown glass one. The price seemed good ($199) and I found the same one on Amazon where I could see a large number of user reviews and gauge it to be good quality. So I jumped in.

It took no more than a few hours to put up. I’ve used weed mat for the floor and got some cool plastic shelves very cheaply which attach to the sides with ocky straps. The whole thing weighs around 45kg I think, but to weigh it down further I’ve added some concrete blocks inside until I get around to getting some nice big tent pegs to fix it to the ground on all sides.

This should be really interesting – but I must stay on top of watering as it can get very hot inside on warm days.

Update: it already seems to get pretty hot in there. So I’ve added a couple of spare venetian blinds I had on hand, to the North wall. Works really well I think. Also added a potting bench behind, and am toying with the idea of getting a second identical greenhouse – it is filling up fast and they have doors on both ends so I can connect them end on end into one big one. If I want to play with it seriously for extending the growing season etc, I think just the current one is a little small.


Author: Kev

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