Vegie Tubs on Legs

One of my most disliked aspects of vegie gardening is the bending over to maintain them, or even to harvest most things. I found these huge tubs on legs and decided to give them a go.

They have a water reservoir in the bottom, tap on the side and a little ‘meter’ in the form of a plastic seedling that sinks down a hole if the water level is low. So you know when to water.

I bought three and first set them up in the back yard a couple of months ago, with some broccoli and cabbages and Brussels sprouts. Two of the three beds were massacred by (I think) birds. So once the fence was up, I moved them to the front yard (quite a job as when they are full these things weigh (I estimate) some 200-250kg.

I have named them, imaginatively, Tub #1, Tub #2 and Tub #3 and they should be good fun to monitor the progress of.

Tub #1 has the cabbages and Brussels that survived (but by no means thrived) their stint in the backyard. #2 has been re-planted since the move to the front, and at the time of writing this, #3 is ready for plants.

Update: the tubs seem like they may soon be difficult to get more of, at least at the price they are now. So, since I was already getting a delivery, and Masters sent me a 10% discount coupon, I took the plunge and ordered 2 more tubs. Have made a space for them behind the existing ones. It’s a squeeze but I think they’ll fit. Now I need another 10 bags of soil/compost/potting mix/manure/etc.

Update #2: Tub #4 and #5 are in place at the rear, still empty but I have the bags of goodies ready to go in. Tub #3 haas been populated with Broccoletti, Rainbow Beets and Lettuce.


Author: Kev

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  1. Avatar

    How much did those tubs cost – great idea 🙂

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    • Kev

      I’m actually tempted to get more while they’re available. Normal price is considerably more even in the US. I haven’t found them anywhere but Masters in Aus – even the official Keter (the brand) dealer doesn’t have them. But I might need to get a few to justify the $40 delivery cost.

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